The Government published the Terms of Reference for the New Hospital Programme Review on Friday 20 September 2024. This review was requested by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and aims to consider the options for putting the New Hospital Programme onto a realistic, deliverable and affordable footing.
We wanted to share what this means for the Hampshire Together programme and update you on our current work plan.
The New Hospital Programme review:
We can confirm that our scheme is within the scope of the Government’s Review of the New Hospital Programme, which we expect to conclude this Autumn ahead of a multi-year spending review in Spring 2025.
While we await the outcome of the review, as advised by the New Hospital Programme national team, we continue to progress our work within Hampshire Together to the planned timelines. We are grateful for the ongoing engagement from staff and our local communities as we work to develop the best possible plans to meet their healthcare needs for decades to come.
Our current work:
After running the public consultation earlier this year on modernising our hospitals and improving the quality and sustainability of health services in Hampshire two reports were published our Public Consultation Activity Report and an independent Public Consultation Feedback Report.
We are now considering all the feedback alongside what the medical evidence tells us will deliver the greatest improvements to care, how services can be can safely staffed for the long term, and which proposals offer us the best value for money.
The Options Development Group which includes patients, carers, clinicians, community and voluntary groups, health providers and local authorities is also working with the Programme Team to help them assess feedback, it’s impact on the programme and whether further steps are required.
This will all feed into the Decision-Making Business Case which provides an evidence base from which NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight will be able to make informed decisions on the next steps.
We expect the Decision-Making Business Case to be published later this year and the final decision-making meeting will be held in public.
Once a decision has been made and subject to planning permission, we expect to be able to open the doors to our new hospital in the early 2030s.
As we move into the implementation phase we will regularly involve and engage patients, staff and local people to ensure their views continue to inform our work.