Hampshire Together: Modernising our Hospitals and Health Services

The Hampshire Together programme is a collaboration of health and care organisations, working together to improve hospitals and health services in Hampshire. This work has had input from and involved patients, families, carers, members of the public, local stakeholders, and health and care staff at every stage.

On Monday 20 January 2025, the government made an announcement following the conclusion of the national New Hospital Programme review. Our programme, Hampshire Together, is in Wave 3 of the New Hospital Programme and is scheduled to begin construction between 2037 and 2039. Our project now has a cost estimate of £2 billion to enable us to modernise our hospitals and health services for the future.

As a programme, together with partners, we are now looking at what this delay means for our plans, exploring what the implications are and ensuring the valued staff within our hospitals are able to provide outstanding care, and sustainable services into the future, for our patients.


What stage are we at right now at Hampshire Together?

Our teams have been working hard to progress Hampshire Together over a number of years, with involvement from patients, staff, partners and members of the public throughout.

On 17 March 2024, the public consultation on improving our hospitals and health services closed, and since then, all of the feedback received has been analysed by an independent research organisation and prepared into a report which sets out what people think about the proposals. In total, over 98,000 people interacted with our 'best practice' consultation - and you can find out more about this in our consultation activity report.

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight (the NHS body responsible for planning and buying health services for the population), together with NHS England in relation to specialised services, has been reviewing the feedback from the consultation and considering alternative suggestions put forward by the public, along with a wide range of other evidence, information and data to support a decision to be made about how best to proceed.

We are now assessing the full implications of the new timescale provided to us by the Government and remain committed to improving the quality and sustainability of our hospitals and health services. We will continue to regularly update and involve patients, staff and our wider community in our work.