A new hospital for Hampshire: deciding how £700 to £900 million can be spent on improving hospital services.

The Hampshire Together programme is a collaboration of NHS and care organisations in Hampshire, working together to improve NHS services for local people. This work has had input from and involved patients, families, carers, members of the public, local stakeholders, and health and care staff at every stage.

On 17 March 2024, the public consultation on the once-in-a-generation opportunity to improve our hospitals and health services closed. Since then, all of the feedback received has been analysed by an independent research organisation and prepared into a report which sets out what people think about the proposals. In total, over 98,000 people interacted with our 'best practice' consultation - and you can find out more about this in our consultation activity report.

NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight (the NHS body responsible for planning and buying health services for the population), together with NHS England in relation to specialised services, has been reviewing the feedback from the consultation, along with a wide range of other evidence, information and data to develop a Decision-Making Business Case and use that to decide which option to implement. 

Owing to the quantity, quality, and breadth of feedback this part of the process has taken longer than originally planned. It is important that sufficient time is spent thoroughly analysing all the feedback received as this can alter how the consulted proposals are understood, and alternative suggestions may need to be considered, or further work undertaken.

The Decision-Making Business Case will be considered in the new year at an NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board meeting held in public where the decisions required to progress the programme will be discussed and taken. Further details of the meeting will follow for those who want to hear the discussion and how the decision is made. 

Once a decision is made, the programme moves into the implementation phase. There will be opportunities for patients, staff, and local people to engage with the plans and ensure their views continue to inform our work and the design and creation of the new hospital for Hampshire and the investment in Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester.